My name is Dimitri Makarov, and this is my online resume. I've had an intriguing life and work experience in two countries: France and Russia. Since my teenage years, I've been passionate about everything related to computers. Recently, I decided to delve into programming to create wonderful things. Currently, I am learning Web developement, mastering skills such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL. On this site, you can find information about my previous experiences and my education. I will also post links to my projects (which are learning experiences for now) and other relevant information. Additionally, there is a contact form you can use to send me a message. Thank you very much!

Welcome to my Web page!

About Me

my Photo

Embarking on my professional journey, I've always found myself at the intersection of creativity, technology, and service. My name is Dimitri Makarov, and my path has been anything but ordinary. From my teenage years, I was captivated by the endless possibilities of computers, a passion that has been the undercurrent of my diverse career. Educated at the prestigious Institut Supérieur de Gestion in Paris, I earned a Bachelor of Business Administration, which laid a strong foundation in the principles of management and strategy. My curiosity and desire to tell compelling stories led me to Moscow's Higher School of TV and Radio «Ostankino», where I specialized in documentary film production. This experience honed my ability to weave narratives that resonate, a skill I carried through a six-year adventure abroad in audiovisual production. In the realm of hospitality, as a receptionist at the Executive Hotel in Gennevilliers, I refined my knack for providing high-end service, managing everything from guest check-ins to offering tailored advice on local attractions. This role was a testament to my organizational skills and my commitment to excellence in customer experience. Transitioning into film production, I navigated various roles, from executive producer to production assistant, where I managed complex projects and overcame the logistical challenges of bringing creative visions to life. My fluency in French, English, and Russian enabled me to bridge cultural divides and collaborate effectively across borders. Now, I find myself drawn back to my first love—technology. I am currently immersed in learning web development, a field that marries my passion for creativity with my foundational interest in computers. This new chapter is not just about building websites; it's about crafting experiences, solving problems, and making information beautiful and accessible. My journey from a business student to a film producer, and now to a budding web developer, reflects my unwavering curiosity and my belief in the power of lifelong learning. Each step has been driven by my desire to create, to serve, and to excel—principles that I carry into my latest adventure in web development.



I possess a thorough understanding and advanced skills in HTML, enabling me to craft structurally sound, visually appealing, and standards-compliant web pages. My proficiency extends to translating design concepts into fully functional and responsive web interfaces with precision and creativity. This expertise empowers me to develop robust and user-friendly digital experiences, showcasing my ability to implement web designs effectively and innovatively.


I have a deep proficiency in CSS, which enables me to style web pages with finesse and sophistication. My command over CSS allows me to create visually striking, responsive, and user-centric designs. I excel at leveraging CSS frameworks and pre-processors to enhance efficiency and maintainability of stylesheets. My adeptness at crafting dynamic layouts and animations showcases my innovative approach to web design, ensuring that user interfaces are not only functional but also engaging and aesthetically pleasing.


I possess a strong proficiency in JavaScript, which allows me to breathe life into web pages with dynamic content and interactive elements. My expertise extends to developing both client-side and server-side applications, showcasing my ability to create complex features that enhance user experience and functionality. I am skilled in leveraging JavaScript frameworks and libraries to expedite development and ensure scalable, maintainable code. My dedication to writing clean, efficient JavaScript code underpins my capability to tackle challenging web development projects, making web applications more engaging, intuitive, and user-friendly.


I have recently begun to immerse myself in PHP, laying the foundation to extend my web development capabilities to the server side. My enthusiasm for learning PHP is driven by its powerful role in creating dynamic web content and building robust web applications. Although at the early stages of mastering PHP, I am keenly dedicated to understanding its syntax, best practices, and its integration with databases. This new journey represents my commitment to becoming a well-rounded web developer, proficient in both client-side and server-side technologies.



I have a solid foundation in SQL, with a strong ability to manipulate and manage databases effectively. My proficiency in SQL enables me to perform complex queries, design efficient database structures, and implement data management solutions with precision. This skillset not only allows me to extract meaningful insights from large datasets but also to ensure data integrity and optimize database performance. My understanding of SQL is a testament to my analytical capabilities and my commitment to supporting data-driven decision-making in web development projects.



Paris, France

Web developement

mars 2023 - present

Higher school of TV and Radio «Ostankino»

Moscow, Russia

Documentary film production

2007 - 2010

I.S.G. - Institut Supérieur de Gestion

Paris, France

BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)

2000 - 2003

Work Experience


Most of my projects are on GitHub, be free to check them all:

github [#FFA500]Created with Sketch.

Garage V. Parrot

developement of a car garage website with dynamic content

Mobile | Desktop
Tech used:
  • - HTML
  • - Bootstrap 5
  • - JavaScript
  • - PHP (PDO)
  • - MySQL Comunity
  • - AWS (RDS, S3)

Bouncing Ball

perspective and animation

Tech used:
  • - HTML
  • - CSS

Dice Game

a dice game for two players

Tech used:
  • - HTML
  • - JavaScript
  • - CSS
  • - Bootstrap 5

Association Web Site

a website for a random association

Mobile | Desktop
Tech used:
  • - HTML
  • - CSS
  • - Sass

Space Travel

just a little 3D game made with Three.js

Tech used:
  • - HTML
  • - CSS
  • - JavaScript
  • - Three.js

Contact me

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